09 16 16 The weather was gorgeous once again and we were able to find some keepers for the small group that showed up today. Weather looks great for tomorrow so come on down.
09 15 16 We are still sailing daily and finding some nice sized fluke in our travels with fish up to 6 pounds for the guys who put in the effort. The 2016 fluke season will come to a close soon so come on down and get your shots at some filets while the beautiful weather continues!!
08 31 16 We started to head back offshore yesterday morning only to find a rough ocean with a BIG swell. We were only able to find some shorts and a handful of keepers for our efforts.
Bill Merritt, Bound Brook, NJ, was VERY HAPPY with his day as he boated a 9 pound 7 ounce and a 7 pound 5 ounce beauty to go along with his seabass!Nice job Bill!!
08 27 16 After a slow day yesterday the fishing bounced back very nicely for the EB II fishermen today. Today's pool was taken by Rob Dacosta, Montville, NJ.
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