Scientific Name: Mugil cephalus
Aliases: Finger Mullet, Striped Mullet
There are a variety of mullet species that range from Nova Scotia to Florida in coastal waters. Here in New Jersey the predominant species that we see is Mugil cephalus, aka the striped mullet.
Adult striped mullet migrate offshore in large schools to spawn. Juveniles migrate inshore when they get about 1 inch in size, moving up tidal creeks as far as into brackish water. These fish are frequent leapers and feed on algae, detritus and other tiny marine forms.
In the fall, four to six inch finger mullet will leave New Jersey's back bays and rivers and migrate south along the coast. These baits will stay tight to the shoreline where bass, bluefish, and other game fish will be feeding on them.
Cast netting mullet and fishing them live is the best way to hook into striped bass and bluefish