The snow storm may have put the nail in the coffin of bottom fishing relatively close to shore as melting snow in the upper reaches of the Hudson drives offshore bottom temperatures down. The Ocean Explorer from Belmar experienced that today, despite it turning out to be a nice day at sea, there were hardly any bites where they had found a decent pick Wednesday. A very strong current was another problem. Just as last February, the Ocean Explorer will be following the blackfish offshore and to the south where they concluded the season with the largest tog to win the seasonal big pool. That's the plan again, but the next two days don't look good for the longer run. Wednesday appears to be the best shot.
The Jamaica from Brielle cancelled Saturday's 2 a.m. trip to far offshore wrecks, but will be sailing that trip at 2 a.m. Sunday. Space is available. Call 732 528-5014 for reservations.