We left the dock this morning at 4:15 AM with Mike and Pat riding along. I planned to work from NW Places through Big 10 and a few spots beyond. We slowed down about 5:45am just short of the NW Places and started looking for bait. As the temperature got to about 59.3 degrees I started marking bait. I kept looking in this area and then I marked a few fish on the fish finder. I circled back and I saw them again. We went back about a ¼ mile and put the lines in and headed for the fish. At 6:10 am I marked three fish on the fish finder and thought for sure we would get our bite, however, we passed by without a touch. I made another pass again, read them and didn't get a touch. At 7:00 am the first report of a double header came across the radio and they were about five miles away. Then a little after that came across the radio, we see a 400 to 500 lb tuna air out off our starboard corner. It was airborne...Lil John saw it along with our Pat. I caught the fish as it busted the surface going back in. The excitement onboard was at a peak. Birds crashing, reading bait and I kept marking fish as I thought it was going to go off! I worked this area until 9:30 am. Working a break on the colder side we saw a thresher shark go airborne also. We had plenty of life in our area.We went without a bite today, however the images we saw will last a long time. I included a photo of our fish finder, it makes you nuts when you run these over repeatedly with stuff that has caught fish and don't get a bite. Oh well, we will get them in the morning. As far as I could tell there were three bites and two fish caught today.
Tight Lines,
Capt Keith
Listen first hand to Captain John Oughton's fishing reports this week in the Florida Keys!
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