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Captain's Focus

2004-02-06 - 4 day charter Fishing Trip to the Diana Bank and Crooked Island
The crew of the Over Under put a group of 5 experienced anglers together and headed off for Clarence Town, Long Island for a 4 day trip to the Diana Bank and Crooked Island. The group consisted of David Doebly and Rip Turner of NJ, Pat Shay from MD, and Don Stacks and John Corvey from Palm Beach, FL. Flying into Long Island Wednesday night, the group experienced 30-35 knot winds and was forced to stay tied to the dock Thursday. Friday morning the group decided to give it a try, even though it was still pretty snotty. Friday produced a mix of nice sized 15-30 pound dolphin and 25-50 pound wahoo. Just before dusk the crew made a couple deep drops and pulled up 4-5 nice yellowed snapper for dinner. At the end of the day, the Over Under sought refuge in the lee of the southern tip of Long Island and waited for morning and the 20 mile run to the Diana Bank. Arriving at the bank just after day break, the Over Under fished the bank hard all morning. The fishing unfortunately was slow, although 2 wahoo, a nice sized dolphin and a 25# yellow fin were boated. The Over Under then ran over to Crooked Island where they boated 3 nice sized wahoo in the afternoon, before hooking up for the night over a nice reef in the lee of Long Cay. The group snapper fished for most of the night catching yellowtails, jacks, and a nice Cubera Snapper. The next morning the group trolled north, but the fishing was slow, with only a couple of knockdowns to show for a full morning of fishing. The Over Under decided to run up to Rum Cay and fish the afternoon on the South East Point off of Rum. Encountering a front on the way to Rum, the conditions deteriorated rapidly, and the group found themselves in 5-7' seas quite quickly. With lines in the water at rum, 2 dolphin were spotted free jumping a hundred yards behind the boat. Capt. Pete quickly circled on them and it didn't take long....The right long snapped and shortly there after, the cause of the fleeing dolphin became apparent as a nice blue marlin was grey hounding for the horizon. Don Stacks was on the rod, and battled the beast for the better part of an hour. Once boat side, the Blue was estimated at 450-500# and released. The rest of the afternoon and next morning at rum were slow in on the edge, and the group headed home Monday afternoon, while Capt. Pete ran the boat over to San Salvador where it will be fishing the next 3-4 days for giant wahoo.

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