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Captain's Focus

2004-01-23 - All time high at Cat Island - Bahamas Fishing Report
Fishing at the tail end of last week was at a high point over at Cat Island, with wahoo around in good numbers and tuna being taken here and there. The beginning of the week brought unsettled weather and kept everyone at the dock until Wednesday. On Wednesday and Thursday a few boats got out to the fishing grounds, but for the most part, the fishing was slow. An early morning high tide seems to have slowed down the bite. Cow Hunter reported 3-4 bites in a morning of fishing Wednesday, and the Over Under had one bite in only an hour of fishing that same day. 3 or 4 boats fished Thursday and all reported similar results. The Over Under ran a charter on Friday, catching 2 small yellow fin, missing 3 wahoo, and raising 2 blue marlin into the spread, both of which failed to eat. At Cat Island, most of the boats have been fishing Columbus Point.

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Moon and Sun

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