Sept. 30th! GOOD PORGY FISHING TODAY Another good day on the Porgy grounds today! Lots of fish came over the rail and into the pail! We will be back at ot on the morning! We pick at 4-15lb Blues last night! Once again there were lots of Blues under the boat but we just picked away! We will be back at it next weekend! DUE TO ROUGH CONDITIONS TONIGHT WE WILL BE CANCELLING OUR NIGHT BLUEFISH TRIP TONIGHT! TOMORROW LOOKS GOOD! Stop by our Facebook page and check out a few photos from today! 3 4 DAY BOTTOM FISHING EVERYDAY FOR PORGIES AND BLACKFISH! 7 30AM-2 30PM! SAILING EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT FOR BLUES! 7 30PM-1AM! For more information please give us a shout at 732-496-5383! Capt. Matt Posted on Sep 30 2017 by Matty