August 15th and 16th Fluke! Great weather past 2 days here for fishing! We had a good day yesterday with some quality size keepers coming up. Gulps buck tails and bait all worked! Pool winners went between 6-7lbs! Today was a little slower but we did not have a good drift this morning. Some anglers did do well this morning though with our pool winner weighing just under 7lbs! We will keep giving it our best! We are fishing around rough bottom so be sure to bring plenty of tackle with you. We have plenty of sinkers and plain rigs onboard! Stop by our Facebook page or Instagram page and check out a few photos from today and yesterday! SAILING EVERY DAY FOR FLUKE! 8AM-12 30PM AND 2PM-6 30PM! SAILING EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT FOR BLUES! 7 30PM-1AM! MOONLIGHT AND FIREWORKS CRUISE EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT LEAVING AT 8PM AND RETURNING HOME AFTER THE FIREWORKS DISPLAY IS OVER! NO RESERVATIONS REQUIRED! For more information about any of our trips please give us a call at 732-899-8868 or at 732-496-5383! Capt. Matt Posted on Aug 16 2018 by Matty