Posted on February 28, 2020
At least the wind isn’t blowing inside the Suffern Show
Enough wind already! That west wind must have completely flattened the ocean and blown most of the water off the beach, Now if it would just lay down and give anglers a break as the internal waters open up for striped bass and winter flounder on Sunday.
The weather is perfect for driving to the World Fishing & Outdoor Expo in Rockland County Community Field House at Suffern, N.Y. The first time that show tried to open its doors it couldn’t do so because a blizzard had blown in. It wasn’t until that Sunday that more than a few people could get there over almost impassible roads to see booths from almost every national fishing tackle manufacturer. I figured they’d never be back, but there hasn’t been any such problem since.
The Expo is open till 8 p.m. today, and runs from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday before concluding Sunday from 9:30-5. Parking is free, and adult admission is $14 .Children from 6-11 pay $3, but Sunday is Family Day when there’s no admission charge for those 11 or younger. For seminar schedules and other details visit
The Atlantic City Boat Show also runs through the weekend in Convention Hall. The hours are 10-8 tomorrow, and 10-6 Sunday. Adult admission is $17, with no charge for those 12 and younger.
The Berkeley Striper Club has a fishing flea market set for Sunday from 9-2 in Toms River North Intermediate School.
The marine weather forecast turned on us overnight as west winds are still gusting to 30 knots, and small craft warnings remain up into Saturday afternoon. By morning, they will still be west at 15-20 with gusts to 25. Sunday was supposed to be calm, but now they are down to 10-15 knots with gusts to 25. It looks better as the wind moves to southwest by Monday and it warms up.
Most shops should have bloodworms in stock for the weekend, but be sure to call ahead to confirm that. Grumpy’s Tackle in Seaside Park reports anglers fishing worms for white perch in the bay have also hooked some short stripers.
The Big Jamaica from Brielle sails at 1 a.m. to offshore wrecks for jumbo porgies plus cod, pollock and hake. Call 732 528-5014 for reservations.
The Canyon Runner from Point Pleasant is sold out on spring canyon trips, but has just a few left during early summer. They didn’t go to North Carolina this winter, but are booking the 55-foot Patriot for the tuna season. The Matt Mozitis party was down there recently to catch a 100-inch giant estimated at 550 pounds plus school yellowfins. Call 732 272-4445 for info.