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Captain's Focus

Posted on March 3, 2020 Too early for striper run — no earthworms There have been scattered reports of small stripers, but Dave Lily knows that it’s still too early for a real effort. He determines that without even getting his hands wet by looking for earthworms coming out of the ground after a rain. So far, bot a single worm in Hazlet! That being the case, you might as well take in Capt. Vinny Vetere’s presentation on striper trolling at tonight’s Hi-Mar Striper Club meeting in Bahrs Landing, Highlands. Vinny didn’t provide a time, but I imagine that 8 p.m. would be likely. Percy Wentworth will also be there to demonstrate throwing his famous cast nets.  Prospective members are welcome. Small craft warnings are up to tomorrow afternoon. West winds at 15-20 knots with gusts to 30 are predicted for the morning. Only 10 tickets are still available or Sunday’s Canyon Runner Seminar at Freeport, L. I.. —  and none will be available at the door for the limited event that costs $150 plus tax. Ten tickets are available at no charge for first responders and the military. Call 732 272-4445.  

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