Posted on January 25 2020 January 25th Update! Picked away at some Blackfish yesterday. No big fish yesterday but we had some keepers along with some shorts coming up. Pool fish went around 5lbs. High hook had their limit some with less or just shorts but its nice to still see life in our area. Fish were mostly caught on green crabs and only a few on white crabs.The ocean is roaring down here right now. I was just up there and it did not look to pretty so as for tomorrow we will be canceling. I want to give it a day to settle down so we will be back at it Monday!This Monday will be our last All Day Monday trip for the season until April! We still have plenty of room so if you are interested please give us a call at 732-496-5383 to make your reservation! White and Green crabs are included!6 30AM-3 30PM!SAILING FOR BLACKFISH EVERY DAY EXCEPT THIS MONDAY !7 30AM-2 30PMFor more information please give us a shout at 732-496-5383!Capt. Matt