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Captain's Focus

Posted on November 11 2019 BLACKFISHING EVERY DAY STARTING NOVEMBER 16TH! UPDATED SCHEDULE! Tomorrow s weather is not looking so good unfortunately. We will be doing maintence on the boat and getting ready for our upcoming Blackfish season. We will keep you posted on Wednesday!STARTING NOVEMBER 16TH BLACKFISH OPENS!ON THE 16TH WE WILL BE DEPARTING THE DOCK EARLY AS LONG AS THE WEATHER PERMITTS US !6 30AM-2 30PM! 75 ADULT 70 SENIORAFTER THAT DAY WE WILL BE ON OUR 3 4 SCHEDULE SAILING TUESDAY TO SUNDAY FOR BLACKFISH!7 30AM-2 30PM! ALL DAY MONDAY BLACKFISH TRIP EVERY MONDAY 6 30AM-3 30PM! 110THIS IS A RESERVATION TRIP ONLY! WE WILL WE LIMITING THE BOAT TO 22 ANGLERS! PLEASE GIVE US A CALL TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT AT 732-496-5383!For more information about any of our trips please give us a call at 732-496-5383!Capt. Matt

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