Posted on June 23, 2020
Better fluking to north
Though today’s fluke fishing on the Fishermen from Atlantic Highlands wasn’t anything like the big fluke Bonanza that Dave Lilly had yesterday, it was a big improvement in party boat action during a season when three fish limits have been unusual.
Capt. Ron Santee reported a good bite of keepers and shorts that resulted in three limits being bagged and a 3 1/2-pound pool fluke.
The Queen Mary from Point Pleasant had a good bite of sea bass and bluefish early , but Capt. Dave Riback said “The rest of the day stunkâ€.
The Canyon Runner from Point Pleasant will be running a free canyon overnighter for the Military and First Responders from June 29-30. Those who qualify should call 732 272-4445 right away.
I’ll have more about the great tuna action the Canyon Runner has had in tomorrows blog, but I also talked to another angler who was frustrated yesterday on a day trip.
There were more whales than he’s ever seen in Lindenkohl Canyon, and lots of bait. Yet, they couldn’t troll a thing. After hearing there had been an early bite in Spencer Canyon, they moved there only to see the same signs and no hits while only one boat in the fleet was hooking up.
Striped bass from the surf big enough to weigh have been rare so far, but Betty and Nick’s in Seaside Park weighed a 23-pounder caught on clam this morning right from the local surf.
I tried casting a plug in the Bay Head surf after dawn, but there was so little water that it was a waste of time. Despite how bad Point Pleasant Canal has been, I went there and found no change though one small striper hit my Z Man paddeltail to save the day.
The morning forecast is for south winds at 10-15 knots with a possibility of showers and thunder storms.