Posted on July 8, 2020
Blue Marlin World Cup goes to a Cape Verde 964-pounder.
The annual July 4 worldwide hunt for the biggest blue marlin turned out to be a runaway when Marty Bates brought a 964-pounder into Cape Verde.
Very impressive, but still well behind in the winner-take-all contest were a 667.2-pound blue on Done Deal in the Gulf of Mexico, and a 545-pounder on Blue Rampage in Portugal. I hope to have more details tomorrow.
After a good showing the previous two mornings, Spanish mackerel were missing today in the Bay Head surf. I was happy to just get one hit when an aggressive 15 1/2-inch fluke hit my teaser fly.
The Queen Mary from Point Pleasant had excellent bluefishing Monday morning before heading out at 11 p.m. for her first tuna trip of the season.
The forecast is for `southeast winds at 10 knots plus a chance of showers — with thunder storms possible in the afternoon.
The Quwwn Mary from Point Pleasant