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Captain's Focus

Posted on August 8, 2020 WMO down to last two days As noted in the previous blog, there were major changes in the big money white marlin division of the WMO today — and I suspect there will be more to come as the contest wraps up with the two days added on due to the uncertainty as to how long the tropical storm would last. Drillin & Billin was the big winner today as their 77-pound white pushed Hook & Settle’s 74-pounder out of first and sets up a $2.9 million payoff if they can hold on. The latter won’t be hurting either with a $2.5 million check. Mama C. tied them at 74 pounds and is in line for $130;000. However, Sea Toy’s millions for their 72.5-pounder yesterday dropped to $30,000 along with another 72.5 on Reel Estate for the same money. There were no significant changes after the early blog before the scales closed. I’ll have more details in the morning.

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