Posted on January 22, 2021
SWS National Seminar to go virtual at no cost
Due to the ongoing pandemic, George Poveromo had to cancel his annual Salt Water Sportsman National Seminar series for 2021, but with the help of his sponsors he will film episodes at the IGFA to be presented online at no charge. I’ll have more about this as more information is supplied.
Speaking of episodes, Nick Honachefsky has a new one on his Saltwater Underground series on the Sportsman Channel at 10:10 a.m. Friday.
The Mimi VI from Point Pleasant will continue open boat trips for blackfish through this month. They sail at 6:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays for $90 with a limit of 25 On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays the trip starts at 6 for a fee of $120 that includes whitelegger crabs and is limited to 15. Call 732 370-8019 for reservations and info about overnight canyon trips set for July to September.
Small craft warnings are up through Friday afternoon. Tomorrow starts with west winds at 15-20 knots plus gusts to 25.