Posted on December 09 2020 December 9th! Decent fishing today. I would like to see more bites around the boat thats for sure however the bow was good and the stern picked at them. Not much in the middle but anglers moved around and caught a few today. Some limits around the boat on white crabs. Green did work as well. Pool winner went around 7lbs. Back at it tomorrow. Plenty of room available through the week!Stop by our Facebook or Instagram page and check out a few photos from today!IT IS THE HOLIDAY SEASON! GIFT CERTIFCATES ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! PLEASE GIVE US A CALL AT 732-496-5383 TO PURCHASE YOURS! THEY MAKE THE PERFECT GIFT!RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL OF OUR TRIPS!!!!!!SAILING FOR BLACKFISH EVERYDAY!LIMITIED TO 30 PASSENGERS!7 30AM-2 30PM!GREEN CRABS ARE INCLUDED AND WHITE CRABS FOR PURCHASE!ALL DAY MONDAY BLACKFISHING!!!LIMITED TRIP!6 30AM-3 30PM!WHITE CRABS ARE INCLUDED! For more information or for reservations please give us a call at 732-496-5383!Hope to see you soon!