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Captain's Focus

Posted on November 29 2020 Weekend Wrap Up November 28th and 29th! Another great weekend on the water but Blackfishing is still tough for us. We fished as shallow as 20ft out to 80ft and pretty much seen the same results. The doggies have been a real pain in the neck as well. We have some weather moving in tonight so hopefully this will stir things up and we will see better results on Wednesday. We will be canceling Monday and Tuesday due to weather! Plenty of room still opened for Wednesday. We will keep giving it our best!IT IS THE HOLIDAY SEASON! GIFT CERTIFCATES ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! PLEASE GIVE US A CALL AT 732-496-5383 TO PURCHASE YOURS! THEY MAKE THE PERFECT GIFT!RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL OF OUR TRIPS!!!!!!SAILING FOR BLACKFISH EVERYDAY!LIMITIED TO 30 PASSENGERS!7 30AM-2 30PM!GREEN CRABS ARE INCLUDED AND WHITE CRABS FOR PURCHASE!ALL DAY MONDAY BLACKFISHING!!!LIMITED TRIP!6 30AM-3 30PM!WHITE CRABS ARE INCLUDED! For more information or for reservations please give us a call at 732-496-5383!Hope to see you soon!

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