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Captain's Focus

Posted on June 22 2020 Father s Day Weekend Wrap Up! Fluking starts tomorrow! Like I said earlier in the week bring the jigs! The anglers that did had a good catch of Sea Bass. They were tough to catch on bait cause they are feasting on Sand Eels all month! However we did fill buckets and coolers up with Ling a few good size Winter Flounders and a few Cod as well! We will continue to go Ling and Cod fishing every Friday and Saturday night! We will be back bottom fishing toward the end of September when the Porgies arrive! IT S TIME TO GO FLUKING!!! WE HAVE SPOT OPEN ALL WEEK SO GIVE US A CALL IF YOU ARE INTERESTED!Stop by our Facebook page and check out a few photos from the past few days!IT S TIME TO GO FLUKING! WE WILL BE SAILING EVERY DAY FOR FLUKE!3 4 DAY MONDAY - FRIDAY!7 30AM-2 30PM!1 2 DAY ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY!8AM-12 30PM AND 2PM-6 30PM!RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED!NIGHT LING FISHING EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT STARTING JUNE 26TH!7 30PM-1AM! THESE ARE GREAT TRIPS AND A LOT OF FUN!For more information or for reservations please give us a call at 732-496-5383!Hope to see you soon!

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