Pretty decent day out there today,,small ground swell left over but for the most part very nice….We had pretty good fishing to,,,as soon as we started today had fish coming….Nice shots of blackfish,,,lots of fish that just missed the mark but they were jumping on the baits…Walter Stewart had the hot had onboard today,,He was dialed in and had almost a double limit of keeper blackfish,,and probably 30 shorts….He gave away some fish to people who struggled a bit…Some guys did good as well catching 1,2 or maybe 3 keepers,,,but loads of shorts scattered around the boat…Good life overall….Few ling,,and codfish mixed in to….Most of the bites were on clam but Mr.Stewart used white leggers all day…Nice day out with a great group of guys and girls..Check out a few pics….Thursday is canceled due to weather…I will let you know if Friday is a go or not tomorrow….The weekend is looking very nice!!