Posted on May 25 2021 May 25th! Good fishing today with many anglers getting their limit of good size Sea Bass and a few Ling in the mix. Once again most of them were caught on bait and only a handful on jigs! We will back at it in the morning! We have plenty of room for tomorrow so come on down and join us!Stop by our Facebook or Instagram page and check out a few photos from today!SAILING EVERY DAY FOR SEA BASS!3 4 DAY!7 30AM-2 30PM!ALSO WE WILL HAVE AN AFTERNOON TRIP ON SATURDAY S!4PM-10PM FOR SEA BASS AND LING!WE WILL CONTINUE DOING THIS EVERY SATURDAY AFTEROON!WE WILL START FLUKE FISHING ON JUNE 23RD!3 4 DAY FISHING FROM MONDAY TO FRIDAY!7 30AM-2 30PM!1 2 DAY ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY S!8AM-12 30PM AND 2PM-6 30PM!RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL OF OUR TRIPS! PLEASE GIVE US A CALL AT 732-496-5383 TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION!CAPT. MATT