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Captain's Focus

Posted on June 13 2021 Weekend Wrap Up June 12th and 13th! Sea Bass fishing was a little slower than what we did see over the week. Anglers that came off the bottom and worked for them did do well on Saturday! Today we did pick some but it was not as good as yesterday. I did see more fish caught on jigs today than yesterday but still could of been better. Some anglers did have their limit and some with less. We did catch some Ling today as well which helped with our catch along with a nice Monkfish and Winter Flounder!We had awesome Ling fishing on yesterday afternoon. I did make a stop for Sea Bass but it was slow so we caught the Ling very well. Everyone went home with plenty!Weather looks crummy for tomorrow so we are going to take a pass and we will be back at it on Tuesday! We have plenty of room all week long! Last week for Sea Bass so come on down and join us!Stop by our Facebook page to check out all the photos from over the weekend!SAILING EVERY DAY FOR SEA BASS!3 4 DAY!7 30AM-2 30PM!ALSO WE WILL HAVE AN AFTERNOON TRIP ON SATURDAY S!4PM-10PM FOR SEA BASS AND LING!WE WILL CONTINUE DOING THIS EVERY SATURDAY AFTEROON!WE WILL START FLUKE FISHING ON JUNE 23RD!3 4 DAY FISHING FROM MONDAY TO FRIDAY!7 30AM-2 30PM!1 2 DAY ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY S!8AM-12 30PM AND 2PM-6 30PM!RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL OF OUR TRIPS! PLEASE GIVE US A CALL AT 732-496-5383 TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION!CAPT. MATT

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