Posted on June 15, 2021
Blues interfering with striper bite in some areas
Bluefish seem to be showing up in the warmer waters of Ocean County as Betty & Nick’s Fishing Club members were posting shots of small to medium choppers that were hitting just about everything. There was even a semi-tropical houndfish — but no Spanish mackerel so far.
Not many stripers seem to be getting through, but that wasn’t the case yesterday as Robert Kopf landed a 54-inch linesider while casting a green Ava jig. It was only photographed on the sand before release and the lure is the only thing to give an indication of size. See photo at bottom of page.
Chuck Many said blues were relentless today in the ocean off northern Monmouth County as his crew on Tyman out of Highlands only managed one big striper.
There was no bluefish problem for Vinny D’Anton and I as we cast in Shark River to no avail before heading to the nearby surf to fish with sand fleas. Tommy Cox had been casting a small plug that produced three small bass, and we knew Jim Louro had caught a 27-incher on a Band of Anglers Dart Spin We landed three stripers during a brief try with sand fleas– and I enjoyed a good battle before releasing a 30-incher. That was my second legal bass since starting surf fishing this year with a 28-incher yesterday.
Good weather continues with a marine forecast of northwest winds at 10-15 knots before shifting to 5-10 west in the afternoon.
The Golden Eagle from Belmar reported a boat limit of sea bass by 10:30 this morning.
The Paramount from Brielle has also been sticking with the outstanding sea bass fishing along with some ling. They sail daily at 6:30 a.m.
The Sea Hunter from Atlantic Highlands reported the best fluke action of the season today. It was mostly shorts, but one angler limited.
Matt Calabria put his brother Kevin into a huge 457-pound thresher shark a few days ago. Matt said it was Kevin’s first shark! I’m trying to get a photo and more info.