1000's of NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports, Dozens of Sources, Maps, Wrecks, Historical Search

Captain's Focus

Though there have been no local reports, The Fishing Line did have an interesting one from the Capt. Al out of Point Lookout, Long Island. That party boat reported 30 anglers last Thursday caught 300 cod, though only 60 of them were keepers. On Saturday there were 30 keepers up to 8 pounds out of 200 cod. They caught a few Sunday morning before a building swell killed the bite that afternoon. Though I don't know where Capt. Al was fishing, those were just day trips from a port not very far from the Shore -- and that volume of small cod is very encouraging at a time of year when skippers are usually just hoping for a few big ones. The Mimi VI has posted sailing dates for January from Point Pleasant. They will be taking $70 reservations for limited trips  on weekends (24,25 & 31) plus weekdays (19,23,& 26-30. Call 732 370-8919. Only 35 tickets remain for Saturday's Canyon Runner Seminar at the Atlantic City Convention Center.The $135 tickets include free breakfast and free beer during lunch plus $20,000 worth of door prizes. Call Adam La Rosa at 732 842-6825. 

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