The best of our fishing today was the first couple of hours this morning. Found plenty of action along with nice keepers on several drifts. The current finally started ripping to the point that even the heavy rods and sinkers could no longer hold bottom so we had to vacate the area. Bounced around in shallower water where we had a few nice fish and plenty of short action every place that we stopped. Finished the day back where we started after the current slowed and had a few more keepers to add to the coolers on the final drift of the day. It was a respectable day over all, just not the same fishing that we had yesterday. Brad Weaver, Bound Brook, NJ, topped his catch with a 5 pound 5 ounce fish. Tom Gerling, Bloomfield, NJ, topped his catch with his 6 pound 7 ounce pool winner. See you in the morning.