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Captain's Focus


Special Edition


Well, here we are! June 30th. The last day of the month and the last day to capture your fluke dreams!

Today we crown a new champion, a champion who at the end of the day will be $1,240.00 richer! It has been an exciting and intense run to get to this point. There were a couple of very close calls and an eventual tie for the lead, something we have never had in The Flukemaster Classic Pool.

On the evening June 4th, Carmen Patullo put an 8 lb 4 oz fluke in the boat. A good sized fluke, but one that would be challenged over the next 25 days. On June 9th, there was a beast caught that came within two ounces of the leader. As the sweat ran down Carmen’s brow, there were three more fish that came within ounces of taking the lead. On the morning of June 15th, Carmine Mangini put a piece of bait on that was big enough to choke a horse, and that it did. Only this was a fluke and it weighed an exact 8 lb 4oz, the same size as the leader. A dead even tie. Something that has never happened in The Flukemaster Classic.

That brings us to this moment. There are four former champions on board today. Our first ever winner Dan Martin, Al Skowronski, Steve Kerry and Wayne Smith. Steve Kerry, who holds the record for the most titles, and Wayne Smith are no strangers to winning the big money on the last day of the month. Steve crushed Joe Mattis’ dreams the last day of September of 2012 by catching a fish that was over 10 pounds. Wayne was last September’s champion. Mr. Smith knocked off Walter Petka on the last drift of the last day of the season. Wow!

We are just about to drop the lines in the water for our first drift. All anglers are standing at the rail with their hooks just over the water waiting in anticipation for the opening whistle to blow. Let’s get it on!!


8:49am - First keeper is put on the boat, caught by the before mentioned Mr. September 13′ Wayne Smith.

9:01am - The tensions are already high as the angler’s are battling fast drifting conditions resulting in a few tangles from under the boat. Shouts of  “SLACK OFF” and “JUST CUT HIS LINE” could be heard all around the craft. Big money, big dreams, big attitudes!

9:26am - Accusations of sabotage have been thrown between two anglers. Bill Saporito has been tangled up by his neighbor numerous times on this drift. The two were given a stern warning to make nice.

Interview with Steve Kerry between drifts. “I’m not changing anything!”

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