1000's of NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports, Dozens of Sources, Maps, Wrecks, Historical Search

Captain's Focus

Today I had my regular bluefin fishing charter from Hardyson PD , NJ.. Nick, Carl, Rob and Julian were at the boat bright early at 3am ..after the quick run to the grounds we pulled and went on the hunt.. I found great marks and dropped the jigs.. One on instantly that after a few minutes snapped  off.. Then a second one on the jig, but came undone.. I constantly asking guys if you bringing  your own tackle please let me take a look at it !!! So now I went on the move and before we could get the enire spread out fish on .. Then a second one is tight.. Boat a fatty 46 " under and release another under.. Back on the move and flat line gets hammered , release a fat small 40"fish .. Things looked good pulled in the spread and dropped the metal.. Right away we are tight on a fish .. Julian is own his first every jig fish.. He listened well and landed another 45" fish.. We dropped one more on the jig..

So now I wanted go looking made a 26 mile round trip run to find little life. Came back in to were we had action and had multiple knock down but no fish.. Freaking Mahi stealing meat.. Then the 30w goes off and never stopped.. As we were making every effort to clean the boat .. The reel was getting spoiled fast when I notice the line was spooling off funny. Then snap at the spool line breaks. After actually laughing about it we notice that the line was spooled in a twist on the spool causing a clinch knot finally.. Lesson learned I'm responding every thing today.. Not trusting the gentlemen who spooled this reels...overall a we had 6 tuna and lost a smoker , plus a few Mahi..

Capt. Joe

Look for open boats and jump on to enjoy a good day on the water..


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