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Captain's Focus

Well , this has been a long time coming to say the least. I was finally able to get my brothers out for tuna run. Unfortunately my brother Mike could not make it due to hospital stay.( yeah need some prays) so family friend Jim jumped on board. So at 330 am, Richie, David, Chuck, Eddie and family friend Jimmy we head out to a waiting fleet..amazing bluefin has become a over nighter to get there early..I ran out at 30 knots in perfect seas and couldn't believe how many boats were there already.. We pulled into a mess of boats and heard some fish being picked.. After a hr of nothing , we witnessed Capt Richie hooked up just ass he was putting out the troll gear.. Really nice fish they put n the rig..we worked the are for a bit and made a move to some new grounds.. Everyone dropped down and my brother Dave came tight on a fatty .. We landed and nice 46.5 fish and the huge load of stress was coming off my back fast.. We try to find the group of fish again no luck.. I made another run to some grounds and it was game on.. We all dropped down.

i hooked up on a screamer and it tangled up everyone but we landed another solid 46" fish we returned. Instantly I hear Jim say I'm tight, this fish just smoked him flat out. It dumped a Stella 20 k fast went under another boat...huge thanks to LadyC for moving out of the way and even cutting lines so we could land the fish.. That's sportsmanship....Jim fought the fish for about 30 minutes before we the kiss of steel came..nice 58.75" bluefin in the boat.. Got back over the fish and my brother Eddie was one.. Short fight night 40lb football released, then the reel dumper hit ..while handling Eddie' s fish my Rich is tight.. This fish just took off.. I've seen big fish run but this was nuts .. You could see the spool cool fast.. Just as we were getting ready to gain on it . It popped the hook .. So after a long day of one of the toughest days of stress and hand fishing. I was relieved to have been able to get the brothers on some tuna.. Came home late in the day with our over and under..


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