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Captain's Focus


Ran an open boat trip on Saturday with all new cliental. Left SRI at  4am and apparently that wasn't soon enough. Made the run out comfortably  and was greeted to a boat show on the water.. I put the spread out and stayed out of the mess. I stuck to my game plan of not to fish in the chaos and heading to my mark labeled " Sonia's Fins". And wouldn't know as soon as we hit the hump.. Bam double headers, then the third went off.. Then while managing 3 fish on , client drops a jig.. Four on at once.. These fish were tiny but fun as hell.. The best part is the school of bluefin that followed was in the hundreds and stayed under the boat for awhile.. Went on the hunt for nice fish and found some nice fish in the 45" range .. We pick a few of them on the troll, then switch to jigging.. Got a few on the jig as well.. Once the bite died I made a 15 mile run away from everyone looking for some new ground .. Once again spread went and we were tight again.. Only problem was no tuna, but a huge hammerhead which bite us of  close to the boat.. Got back and the move and doubles again.. Finally at 4pm made the run for home.. Great time on a very flat pond.. Sorry only a few pics was busy with first timers today.. Ended the day 10 for 15...

Capt Joe

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