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10-22-16 Great to be out sea bass fishing again,,,just home late so here is the report and some of you have called and yes we are fishing tomorrow!!!Gonna be windy like today but we stayed in 60-80 feet today and as long as I could hold the anchors tight in the bottom we had no problem fishing...A little challenging at times yes keeping  the anchors tight but I managed....So,,,fish were there,,,plenty of fish coming over the rail,,,biggest problem was the number of throwbacks...you had to really weed through the shorts to get the keepers...High hooks I would guess had 8-10,,,but alot of guys had very low numbers to.. If you were in the  middle of the boat and fished up off the bottom you had a better catch..So nothing spectacular but alot had fish to go home with,,not the numbers I would like to see but given the conditons I was happy that we got the day in...I think tomorrow should be even better so come on down....we are going!! I did not get alot of pics due to the sideways rain,,at least it will be sunny tomorrow..gonna be nice I thinnk..see ya for coffee..

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