It seems that NJ porgy fishing is on fire. More than one captain has written about stellar fishing. No reason to expect that to change any time soon, so go get um. Got to keep an eye on the remanants of Irma as they may affect the area the end of this week. Other then that weather wise seems to be agreeable jumping on your favorite boat and filling a bucket or two of some hard heads.
Second on this week's lineup are bluefish, who have made a hot and heavy (and early) arrival for fall. For pure sport, fall blues are adrenlin pumping badasses. Not the finest table fare, to be sure, but pound for pound these guys are tackle wrecking monsters. It remains to be seen if the sudden influx of blues is already setting up for a big fall run but it would certainly be welcome if a great bluefish run helped offset some angler misery for a miserable fluke year.
If you are on your own boat, look for bird play early for what can be some easy scores. As boat traffic increases and the sun rises bird play usually reduces to jigging on marks or trolling to find action. If all else fails, small blues can be had too (very tight to the beach).
Bontio remains an option for your quarry. Personally, I have had some awesome days catching bonito in mid-September. Ava 27's with a thin and long squid strip tails can be magic. Of cousre, trolling is a popular method for private boaters and squid spoons (Clark spoons) trolled behind birds works well. If you score with bonito, you should bleed them immediately and let them bleed out then ice them quickly. Bontio are delicious but you really want to be meticulous in their care for the greatest experience.