The Jamaica from Brielle reported water temperatures remain around 50 degrees on the far offshore wrecks that produced some catches close to the limit during Saturday's weekly 2 a. m. trip, along with a few ling. Rain is predicted for Tuesday, followed by gusty south winds that may wipe out fishing for a few days.
The Ocean Explorer from Belmar reported a lumpy sea became fishable as the wind shifted to westerly -- and there was a good bite, even though it was mostly short blackfish. The forecast for Monday looks good, and they will be sailing, but the rest of the week is questionable.
The winds weren't moderate today, and the breezy conditions made for lumpy seas offshore along with very cold temperatures. Vinnie D'Anton of Wall has been wading the shallows near his winter home in Sarasota and catching spotted sea trout regularly on both MirrOlures and live shrimp.
Joe Greco developed plenty of fishing experience while living in Edison and running his boat for stripers and fluke in the Raritan Bay area, but he's been retired to Ft. Myers, Florida for 16 years and doing pretty well in a much different fishery with his 21-foot flat-bottomed skiff that can navigate the shallowest inshore waters. The Jersey guy was a hero when he returned to Gulf Star Marina in Ft. Myers Beach with the big cobia in his small boat.
The ASMFC meeting in Virginia finally came up with a summer flounder regulation for 2017, but NJ DEP Commissioner Bob Martin is standing fast in insisting on status quo regulations pending completion of a new baseline summer flounder stock assessment which many expect will show that species is in much better condition than outdated statistics presently indicate. com shore blogs fishing or updates on the fluke situation as well as other species involved at the ASMFC meeting.
Commissioner Martin will be testifying at 8 tomorrow morning before the ASMFC meeting in Virginia -- and seems prepared to go out of compliance if necessary. I'll have more about this tomorrow.
The sad news of Capt. John M. Connell's passing at just 48 was received today. The Tautog and American Eel boards were meeting today, while the Shad River Herring Board is on at 9 30 a. m. tomorrow -- followed by the Menhaden Board at 2 15.
There were a few legal blackfish and some shorts, but the Ocean Explorer is expecting better results offshore in lighter winds on Tuesday. Sunday's porgy fishing on the Jamaica from Brielle was slower than expected due to strong currents, but there were catches of up to 25 to 30 scup along with a few ling -- and several weakfish.
The Ocean Explorer is planning to head further offshore for big tog that may contend for the seasonal pool that's up to 3,400. Both the Somerset Fly Fishing Show and the New York Boat Show conclude on Sunday.
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