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Captain's Focus

  • 2016-02-18 Ristori Bay Head

    The IGFA 424-page softcover book not only lists the all-tackle freshwater and saltwater world records for men and women, but also line class, length, fly rod and junior records. Even catching an all-tackle record doesn't require spending a fortune to chase such fish as a 1500-pound bluefin tuna, as there are hundreds of lesser records to shoot for especially since the IGFA started accepting just about any unlisted fish over a pound and considered to be large for the species.
  • 2016-02-15 Ristori Bay Head

    The bitter cold is only a memory now, but gale warnings are up for Tuesday -- with southeast winds gusting to 35 mph. The winds are expected to drop to 10-15 mph out of the west by Wednesday.
  • 2016-02-13 Ristori Bay Head

    Chuck Many made his first such presentation, but one angler told me that it was the best striper seminar he'd ever attended as Many went through a typical day on his Ty Man from from Gateway Marina in Highlands in great detail -- starting with the all-important gathering of fresh bait, no matter how long that may take. Many is strictly a private angler who fishes only for stripers and releases every one.
  • 2016-02-11 Ristori Bay Head

    Despite very cold temperatures and strong winds, it will be warm in the Middletown VFW, on Veteran's Lane off Rt. 36 East, where the annual Hi-Mar Striper Club's Fishing Flea Market and Seminars will run from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. Saturday. Over the past 18 years this event has raised nearly 250,000 making it one of IGFA's most successful fund raising events on their annual calendar. A cocktail hour precedes a deluxe hot and cold buffet dinner followed by the Fishing Tackle Bonanza Auction where thousands of dollars worth of fishing tackle including rods, reels, line and lures donated by major tackle manufacturers and local tackle shops, plus jewelry, marine artwork and other fishing related items and accessories will be given away.
  • 2016-02-10 Ristori Bay Head

    Paul Jameson from Philadelphia bagged three cod, two pollock and five ling. Striper pro Chuck Many will be doing one of the seminars, and I'll be there with some tackle that my wife insists on getting out of the garage.
  • 2016-02-07 Ristori Bay Head

    Sunday was another beautiful day for ocean fishing, but there was no change in the mackerel situation as the Golden Eagle from Belmar jigged loads of herring with only scattered mackerel among them. The Big Mohawk from Belmar fished offshore for blackfish on Saturday.
  • 2016-02-06 Ristori Bay Head

    It was a nice mid-winter day for offshore fishing, and there were plenty of herring to be jigged when the Golden Eagle sailed out to the 17 Fathoms area. The Golden Eagle will be sailing again at 7 30 a. m. from Belmar on Sunday -- and the forecast is great once again with temperatures up to 46 degrees and 5-to-10-mph NW winds before it may get windier later in the afternoon before a NE blow on Monday.
  • 2016-02-05 Ristori Bay Head

    It sure didn't look promising today with snow and wind, but the weekend weather forecast is about as good as it gets in mid-winter for ocean fishing. Small craft warnings come down tonight, and the Saturday wind forecast is for west at 5 to 10 knots.
  • 2016-02-04 Ristori Bay Head

    This week's Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) meeting of the Summer Flounder, Scup Black Sea Bass Management Board in Alexandria, Virginia produced unanimous approval of New Jersey as its own region with the option to utilize a 17-inch fluke minimum in Delaware Bay and for shore fishing at Island Beach State Park while the rest of the state maintains the same regulations as New York and Connecticut. New Jersey was forced last year into a region with those states after New York objected to having higher minimum sizes for fluke while often fishing in the same waters as New Jersey boaters.

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