Over Under - Viewing Report 2011-05-15 - OU Wins Biggest Fish with 511 Pound Blue Marlin - Hatteras Village Open Hatteras, NC - 511 Pound Blue Marlin Takes First Place in Hatteras Fishing Tournament!Capt. Darrin, running LOW PROFILE in the Hatteras Village Open fishing tournament is sitting in first place with a 511 pound blue marlin that was boated in the first few hours of fishing yesterday.
We are running Drum Trips starting this weekend from Cape May, NJ. Iin another week or so the bigger fish will show and we'll be looking for that 80 pounder!
Over Under - Viewing Report 2011-04-10 - Bahamas Fishing Reports Four New Audio Fishing Reports from Capt. Joe fishing in the Bahamas. Treasure Cay Fishing Treasure Cay Fishing Marsh Harbour Fishing Guana Cay Fishing
Over Under - Viewing Report 2011-03-23 - Florida Keys Tarpon and Shark Fishing Action Key West Tarpon Fishing and Shark Fishing Heating Up!Plenty of shots at Tarpon to 90 Pounds and sight fishing for Sharks in shallow water Tarpon Fishing Shark Fishing Lots of great shallow water fishing, this is just the beginning of the Tarpon Run here in the Florida Keys.
The Drum Fishing Trips target 30 to 75 pound Black Drum by chunking clams. On our Cape May Drum Fishing Charters we typically use our fast 34' Center Console.
It was pretty sporty out there Friday and Darrin managed to hook into a pretty big fish, that took some time to finally bring to boat side and release. There is a chance we will only be fishing with only 2-3 people per day, so this is a great opportunity to get out with only a couple people on the boat.
Fishing in calm seas with a light breeze, they boated one bluefin tuna about 100 pounds and proceeded to release two others. We still have a spot open for Hatteras Fishing on Firday , if anyone would like to go.
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